When this module comes to an end I will need to be successful in doing the following gaining an understanding of how to tell a narrative story by the use of photographic practice and how other photographers use narrative in their own work. When I am creating my narrative I need to demonstrate that I can use the right technical, practical skills needed to fulfil so I can produce photographic work this may lead in having to reshoot over many of the upcoming weeks leading up to the deadline. Then I might be required to do a bit of post-production where I will need to edit and present my final body of work either in a book or a multimedia piece of work.
Deadline for this Project is Thursday 10th Dec at 4 pm
A shooting method used a lot in photojournalism to help with any photo essays. During my time on this project to remember the technique of E.D.F.A.T.
During my time on this project to remember the technique of E.D.F.A.T. To create a narrative or even a documentary still of photography. E.D.F.A.T stands for Entire Details Frame Angles Time.
Week 1 - introduction week
What is a narrative when it comes to photography?. And how can I create a body of images of each of them, when they are put together, how will it help to tell one story?
During my very first lesson with Craig...
Throughout my first lesson with Tessa, she informed us about her background. For over 30 years she has been working as a documentary photographer where she has been telling stories for both her own personal project and commissions. Tessa began doing her first narrative where she went visited the last remaining working lighthouses around the coast of Britain. Earlier this year, she published a series of work where the mean focus was on the resurgence of British flowers growing. Throughout the midst of all of it, she was living in Southeast Asia for five years doing her own project and commissions for Non Governmental Organisations. For example, this included Oxfam who provide creating a range charitable services internationally. Alongside working as our teacher she is also currently working for a commission from the Martin Parr Foundation about cider making in Somerset called out Made out of Orchards.
Week 2 - Health and Safety and photo book
During our second lesson with Craig, He talked about all the different issues of health and safety that we should be aware of during our time shooting for the module. He also broke down how to do a risk assessment form which we all need complete before shooting commences. Whilst in Tessa’s lesson she went through all the different ways of how we can present our work at week 12. She shows us different practitioners who have produced either multimedia pieces, zines or a photobook and the many different ways that they can be done.
Week 3 - Working with DLSR and multimedia storytelling
Week 4 - Proposal Presentation
Title: Nationhood Vol 2
My first initial idea is to do a Vol 2 of my Nationhood as Vol 1 was mainly in the northwest. I feel that I could try and take a similar approach and develop the original concept, whilst improving upon my knowledge and skillset. This could achieved in my time in the Northeast, providing a useful opportunity to compare and contrast to the lifestyle of people in the Northwest. The project may be developed during a period of lockdown and therefore differences ways of life such as social distancing are likely to be apparent.

Artist Research:
Developing Work:
After reflecting and evaluating the proposal presentation. I thought I was expected to just present my ideas so far. I then realised I had to include all the headings in which I missed out a lot. As a result I updated the PowerPoint presentation.
Week 5
test shoot

Week 6
During my tutorial with Tessa, we discussed the proposal and title of my project and that I should continue to pursue street photography looking at people in public during the pandemic.
that when I came up with the ideas of calling my book Nationhood Vol 2: People in public. Following this when it comes to week 7 onwards I will need to start shooting for this project.
William Castellana - Hit The street
William is a contemporary photographer I came across his work when I was reading Black and white photography magazine. He is American award-winning photography, who work has been featured in the Internation Journal of Contemporary Photography, It now lives in over 40 museums in the US which include the museum of the city of New York and Museam of Modren art Library this is just to name a few.
During 2013 and 2014 He did a project where he went out to photograph his all of his neighbours in his neighbourhood since his outsider status is made it more privileged look impossitive. Compared to his everyday routine and going out he was able to witnessed through his camera that gave him a forever new and unique look to the world around him.
Louis Quail - Big brother
Louis did a project on his own big brother that shows how he deals with having schizophrenia. The project is a collection of his own photography and his brothers drawing.
His brother Justin has been section three times with schizophrenia this can be seen in the book and alongside the two main themes that run through the central project narrative, they are the love story between Justin and his girlfriend who has been dating for over 20 years. the other main themes is Justin's passion for bird watching these themes together help nicely to tie the book together from beginning to end.
this book helped me to come up with the way I want do my final outcome by creating a homemade dairy feel featuring my work and text to help tell the narrative

Week 7
due to the second lockdown, I was struggling to work out how I can do my work without breaking lockdown.
Week 8
During the creative week, I attended one of the sections where I was inspired with a new idea on how I can still carry on shooting and create a narrative story for this unit. where I was inspired when the guest speaker was talking about Lee Child and he came up with doing a picture of a few books on a dinner plate with ketchup and knife and fork. Following this, it quickly reminded me of when I created the image below and how I can do something close to it.

from this, I will create a new proposal below features my new and update proposal
Week 9
Week 10
I was lucky enough to have some face to face with Craig where he sat down with me and help me with viewing my images sorting them out in order alongside this he helped me editing the images the right way we changed the level and the exposure comparison
I managed to finally get my images printed out to the right size that I need it to be, they were printed out at 10x15
Week 11
my Fiancee helps me out with the handwriting as I wanted handwriting that was easy to read, unlike mine which could pas as doctor handwriting. I need my book to have a journal feeling to it
below has the text that I wanted to write in my book
Nationhood vol 2: People panic pandemic
2020 has been a very odd year for sure. It started off as a normal year as seen in my first book that I publish called ‘Nationhood’. Originally, I planned to make Volume 2 of the book based in the northeast of England during the time after the first lockdown.
Week 1
There was once a time where people could meet up and see each other. We didn’t need to worry about keeping 2 meters apart, but now we longing to have our lives back to normal and having to meet up without regulation.
Week 2
Thanks to last week with the new rules in place, people are no longer able to meet up with other people. So, it looks like England are having to self-isolate from each other. If it is for the best for the situation that the whole world is facing, then we would have to stay indoors with only limited reasons to go out.
Week 3
No longer able to go to work in the education environment! Looks like a lot of people now must remotely work from home and personally, my surrounding is slowly becoming a mess.
Week 4
Continuously having to work from home.
Personally, I am hoping that It will be fun working from home since lockdown has started. I feel like I am happy being alone with my hot drink by my desk whilst working on an assignment I have been asked to do. I am so glad that there is no body around to tell me off or distracting me from doing my work and letting my drink go cold.
Week 5
A few more weeks have passed now and starting to get bored staying indoors all day, every day. I am wanting to go outside just like we did last year. I have not seen anyone for a long time and starting to feel lonely. Now we are getting told to wash our hands regularly and wear a face mask in public.
Week 6
So, after going out clapping for the key workers. I then decide to do online shopping as it the only way to shop safely. As I been working for a very long time, each day that has passed is starting to feel like a Groundhog Day.
Week 7
The effects of not going out are clearly starting to make me fall asleep. As each day repeats itself, I am starting to lose track of what the day era. On the other hand, with not being able to go out it is given me more time to do my work. Yet I do not take most of the opportunity as I feel like those people on the plane sitting on a long journey, they would watch TV and sit all throughout the flight. That is how I feel now.
Week 8
So I realize that working from home has not been fun at all and I feel more unorganised with my life by the day. Doing my work was a hard task to do at home because it felt like a stop and start and stop and start cycle.
week 9
I am getting tired and bored of this virus, things are starting to go downhill and pear shape. I am having a big meltdown and I give up, there’s no purpose in life to carry on.
week 10
I can’t handle doing this anymore, working remotely from home. Even though I talk online with friends and family over the computer. It is not the same as in person. I feel like I am just going to give up.
week 11
I am on my own.
There is no one here beside me.
It is not going to plan then I thought.
Life is a big mess now.
I am not taking care of myself anymore and now my place looks like how I feel.
week 12
I know that there is a lot of people who are feeling the same as me and I know that my situation is not as bad as others. So I will get back on my feet, put my sorrow behind me and look at the glass half full. Since there is no sign of vaccine any time soon. I have to do my work soon since it is falling behind and I really don’t want to fail my course.
week 13
Like the famous quote ‘Keep calm and carry on’. That is what I need to keep reminding myself.
week 14
I accept this now.
This is how life is going to be like for a while and I fully understand how I can help me and everyone around me.
Week 12 - Final Outcome and Hand In

Harvard Referencing
Daw, J. 2019. EDFAT Shooting Styles and Preferences. 6th Nov. EDFAT Shooting Styles and Preferences. [Online]. [8 October 2020]. Available from: https://40080328.wixsite.com/website/post/e-d-f-a-t-shooting-styles-and-preferences
Graham, Matty. “Hit The Street, William Castellana.” Black + White Photography Cool Creative and Contemporary, 2020, p. 42 to 47.
Louis Quail Photography. (2018). Big Brother - Introduction - Louis Quail Photography. [online] Available at: https://louisquail.com/big-brother-introduction/ [Accessed 10 Dec. 2020].
all-about-photo.com (2013). William Castellana. [online] All-about-photo.com. Available at: https://www.all-about-photo.com/photographers/photographer/907/william-castellana [Accessed 10 Dec. 2020].