The lyrics that I been looking at
Man In The Mirror
" I'm starting with the man in the mirror,
I'm asking him to change his ways"
My ideas of a final outcomes
For the Man In The Mirror, I would hope for my outcomes to have two different images that feature models one who is poor and the other one who isn't poor.

How I want to go about it ?
I plan on showing " I'm starting with the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways" would be by having male models in the studio with one of them having his is back to me (as the photographer) in the foreground and the other model in the background with a frame (that would give the impression that there is a mirror to the viewers). Facing the other model, one of the images would show a rich man looking at a poor person " by asking him to change his ways " then change them around so the poor person is looking at the rich person and whoever is in the mirror could be showing that they feel heartbroken.