Typical Locations for a specialist locations shoot can done almost anywhere a photographer can gain access such as car park, local parks\fields, seaside or even around a town or a city landscape.

You'll be in shock on the vast of amount of locations you can find out there for a photo shoot. A lot of street fashion photographers prefer to take pictures in a street alleyway or just having a wall with street artwork on. This is because a lot of photographers prefer them as they would look good and are suitable as a background.

A lot of photographers may pick some location just because of the available lighting that is around them. This would help the photographer to get the right mood they may require for the project that they are undertaking.
A photographer would always find an appropriate location such as a wedding photographer would mostly shoot where the wedding is taking place and a sport photographer would shoot on a sports ground.
The mind-map was to help me talk about locations and I just noted down what came to mind and the reasons why photographers may choose to go on location.