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Guest lecturer - Damien Demolder

Writer: Anthony FosterAnthony Foster

Damien can into college for two days giving up his own time to do a workshop on for one day and a talk on the other day.

Damien is a photographer who judges and educates also does journalism and is a photographic equipment expert who tests out the latest photography products.

Damien Demolder is a photographer and a journalist. He also specialises in photographic equipment. Damien is also speaker, judge and visits educational establishments and photography clubs to tutor people. He began to work in the photographic publishing industry in1997; part of which was working for15 years at Amateur Photographer, where he was editor.

Damien uses a wide range of equipment, from traditional photographic methods to the latest DSLRs. He is also enthusiastic about the relatively new mirror-less compact system. as it makes good photography more accessible to more people. Although he specialises in street photography, he also shoots portraits, landscapes, architecture, natural macro and occasionally even wildlife and weddings.

The workshop - Day 1

We learnt how to do street photography and how to use the natural light around us to our advantage. We were told how to use all the different ways of finding where the light is coming from and how we can use it to our own advantage to light up the subject matter.

Damien made it clear and easy to find. He recapped us on photography techniques we already knew; however, making it even more clear to understand.

Damien recapped us on how to get more use out of pre-setting a camera by going down a few exposure stops; changing the ISO so I can get a faster shutter speed; not shooting in auto white balance, because the camera may pick up on the wrong highlight and not the one you are wanting to focus on; focus on where you are standing, so the subject matter comes to you, not you going to it.

These images were done on in a back ally. The day was overcast making the lighting subdued and I chose to shoot in black and white for a more dramatic effect.

Lecture - Day 2

Damien wanted to view and give constructive criticism of our images from the workshop.

He then gave a talk and showed us how important light is for photography; talked to us about what he does in photography and about a lot of different kits.

Damien talked to us about his work as a photographer by showing us how he does his work; for example he showed us different scenarios from the same scene, but from a different angle or just waiting for a interesting subject matter to walk into the frame of his images.

My opinion about Damien Demolder

I love how Damien can keep the audience listening and paying attention

his expiation of photography,I loved the way you explained things slowly and made sure we all understood. You also made us think more about where to point the camera and where is the best place to stand; this gave us more confidence and made us feel more comfortable when shooting on the streets.

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