A continuation PHG 222 but to be more focused on making the work and getting the work displayed to the public.
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Idea generation
Section 3: Notes from lessons, Target audience, Ethic report and Mockup
Section 4: Primary Research, Mood board, artist research
Section 5: Research and annotation on the chosen method
Section 6: Test shoots
Section 7: Experimentation
Section 8: Documentation of final work
Section 9: Bibliography
Section 10: Report
For this project, a body of work needs to be created for public exhibition. The work must be either digital or physical to be shown to anyone. The final outcome for this project could be in a gallery space or book format. Considerations need to be made on how the work displayed in its particular public context and with specific audiences in mind.
To gain a form of achievement for this assessment an identify need to be shown for a particular context of work and to develop a link with a relevant organisation, community group, identified individuals or similar agency to inform the work that gets created and to help make it happen. All organisation/group that is chosen to look at must be evidenced in this research file.
All work that is created must be new work that is in particular selected in the chosen context, community or site. It is required that research need to be carried out a fully understanding on the context and environment that is back up with an appreciation of a seclecd targeted audience.
Any final outcome that gets made will be placed into a specific site in either physical or digital context it will need to be installed for at least a week during week 13/14 this need to be fully documented.
Idea generation Notes of developing ideas and concepts
Dropping -dropping the coins from a high and catching the motion of them falling and hoping for it to look like it was pouring out of the tap.
A fishing wire was placed between two sandwiched blue tacked coins, however, it was not secure enough as the water from the dripping tap prevented the coins from sticking together. The intention was to take each shot with the fishing wire gradually moving upwards to give the impression of a flow of coins from the tap. Had this worked I would have needed to photoshop out the fishing wire so only the coins appeared.
An example of this can be seen below in the test shoots and experimentation part of the blog.
In putting together the stop motion, I would have had two sets of the same images so I can have one going in the order that I shot them in and alongside this a reverse of the same set image. this would show the effect of when the tap is getting turned on and getting turned off. this method would be carried out for the experimentation of the idea with the tin foil.
As an alternative to using real coins imitation coins were produced using tin foil.
This was a more successful process and as a result, images could be manipulated through Photoshop.
With the tin foil, I made imprints of the coins. I tried out a variety of techniques to apply the imprints of the coins. Firstly, I tried using a pen, followed by a pencil to see if the imprint would become apparent on the tin foil. This didn’t end up working because it kept on ripping the foil. I then decided to use a cotton bud which ended up giving the effect that I desired
When I was editing the images for the stop motion this led me thinking that this one image was better than completing a stop motion. This led me to the idea of having a. a series of images instead of creating a stop motion.
Notes from lessons
Displaying work outside and inside, the how, where and why
Displaying work during and post covid
The audience who and why
What do we see the Internet as and what can we use it for?
Social media
Watch things e.g visual media Netflix, YouTube etc.
Online Shopping
What is the internet How and where to keep work safe and easy to share?
Online storage
Google Drive
One drive
We transfer
The cloud
Ensuring work is kept safely and there are appropriate privacy settings.
Making the distinction between private and professional life. For example, ensuring photographs such as those used for social media are different to those used for professional photography.
Create Britain
Digital footprint and digital identify
Profiling and ensuring it is always up-to-date
How you present your profile to other stakeholders
File format
Control copyright
Employment networking
Building upon your existing network
Local Culture organisations
Local galleries
Gallery curator
Artist meet up a portfolio review

Target audience and ethnic report
School children, as a part of a photography exhibition, to address sustainability and environmental issues
Environmentally photography show with other likeminded photographers addressing the theme of sustainability and green issues
People of all ages
Social media take over
of a preview that shows how I picture in my mind how I want my work to be shown and how I want to be displayed

What is a Portfolio?
How do you edit?
Is it Beautiful?
Is it useful?
How do you tell the story?
Make your journey visible
Make space for your passengers.
Ask trusted sources.
Make your own decisions.
After having a chat with Amanda Rition from NEPN ....
Annotated research
Primary research
Image 1 is a handwritten timeline that lays out a road map for this project.
Image 2 and 3 are mind maps that I put together to help start my idea rolling on the different platforms where I can possibly show my work.
Image 4 is a mindmap that focuses on my ideas on different things that effects climate and environmental changes.

When I went on a walk outside. I couldn't help but notice that there had been some people who had cut up bottles to collect rainwater. I felt like it was encouraging to see other people reusing things, instead of using them once and throwing them away.

When I was looking at the weather for the week ahead, I couldn't help but notice that on Tuesday it was going to be 17°C and the following Monday ( Easter weekend) it would drop to as lows as 1°C.
The fact that it dropped 16°C to snow conditions demonstrates that global warming is having an impact on our weather because normally at this time of year the temperature should be between 4° and 11° degrees.
Mood boards
The above video (above) shows the work of a person I filmed who had permission to display their work just outside of the toilets in The Bridges shopping centres.
(below image 1) An example of someone taking advantage of a vacant shop that is no longer in use. ( first image below left) A body of work displayed on a noticeboard, this can be seen next to ( video above) in the same locations.
I feel like these are examples of wise locations where there is a heavy flow of people passing by. The photographs that are displayed here are likely to be viewed by a range of people, either those who are shopping or accessing facilities such as the toilets or car park.
Furthermore, the work that is placed outside is in the public eye (first image below left ). I feel this is beneficial as it addresses vacant shopfronts which can otherwise appear run down and characterless.
The image on the bottom right reflects what I feel is the most common and easy way of getting any form of artwork shown to the public.
Finally, the third image below shows the use of different photos together to build one massive collection of polaroid square formatted images. Seeing them makes me wonder how I can get my work featured in the collection of images in the near future. However, one of the main downsides to this method is the problem of not standing or blending in around the other images.

Secondary research
Mandy Barker - Every snowflake is different
Mandy Barker is a British international award-winning photographer. Her work has been globally recognised for over 10 years and touches on plastic pollution found in the oceans. By working alongside scientists she aims to make an awareness about the plastic rubbish that gets washed up on the shore, causes harm to marine life and ourselves. Her photographs allow viewers to self reflect and take action, this is the kind of approach to aim to do for my own project.
Mandy barker work is wonderful whistle it mostly about looking at plastic pollution the first pieces of work that I looked at reminded me of transparent jellyfish from birds eyes view, it part of a body of work that is slit in two first-half is images that remind me of the jellyfish and the second half shows what she really ended up taking a photo of. the fact that it looks like fish in the first part of the series of images main aim was to get the readers to guess what they are really looking at as the photography is done in a way that looks like that is the view that is seen from a microscope then is later related what we are truly looking at.
the second project that I looked at was mostly focused on using everyday items and turning them into things view that is given from the bottom of the oceans making that point that a lot of the things we use will end up washed up in the oceans if we are not careful on what we end up doing the things we throwaways.
Daniel Bryan - WWE superstar
Bryan Danielson is an American professional wrestler; even since 2010, he has been working for WWE performing under his ring name Daniel Bryan. Back in 2019, he was acting as a bad guy which in wrestling terms is known as a heel. In 2019 he won the WWE championship wrestling under the nickname of Planet Champion (a play on the phrase that the Rock used where he went around saying that he was the Peoples Champion) this reflected Danielson’s personal life in which he has a passion on being eco friendly and he even went as far as having the belt made out of recyclable materials.
Bryan Daniel’s personal life is also documented in the programme Total Divas. During the programme, he is seen as engaging in environmentally friendly activities, such as collecting raindrops. Another scene reveals the friction between Daniel’s and his wife, as she prefers to buy frozen food with its plastic packaging regardless of its environmental impact.
Wrestling belts are normally made out of leather but the belt that Danielson had produced was made out of organic hemp and the carved plate was made from an oak tree that fell down naturally.

I have enjoyed seeing Daniel’s character develop from being the friendly underdog to someone who is extremely vocal and passionate about environmental issues. He has shown fans that he is both environmentally friendly both onscreen and in his personal life.
Andy Hughes - photographer
Back in 2019 when I was in Southport I helped out on a beach cleanup, in which I picked up pieces of rubbish that were laying around or had washed up on the shore. During this time I was reminded of a photographer called Andy Hughes who had produced a photo essay on the amount of rubbish found on beaches around the UK.
In his book 'Dominant Wave Theory' he focuses on close-ups of the many different things that he finds laying around. These items include old shoes, paper and wrappers, to name a few. As the book progresses the book shows photographs with fewer items on the beaches and develops to show cleaner beaches and people having fun.
the work that is featured in Hughes book has identified 3 dominant issues each one is seen to be very important to Hughes.
The biggest part of the collection of the image was taken on the Sands of West Cornwall and Hughes's hometown of St Ives, this is where he ended up living for almost a decade.
The three issues that are in the book and identified in his book are:
The connection between the land and sea
The remarkable increase of tourism in the area, seen over the years when he was living in St Ives.
Beaches itself, locals and a site to escape from the pressures of the commercial life
Annotated research on my choice of methods
My method is to carry on making a stop motion. Many people use this form of practice such as Pes who collects numerous images together to develop; Examples of stop motion are common in both Youtube and Hollywood. frame by frame. A range of materials are often used within stop motion such as plasticine, clay, Lego and action figures. Examples include Wallace and Grommit, Change 4 life and The Nightmare Before Christmas. A lot of stop motion is developed by combining a collection of images frame by frame and then put together to tell a story or represent a visual narrative. Often when people are creating a stop motion, they may use a storyboard that breaks down scene by scene to progress the project.
In the video it starts off with plastic that is found in the remands of a turtle's skeleton which is lying on the sand. The plastic starts coming alive and takes the form of a fish, after the formation it tries to flop towards to the seashore but fails to get washed away. Afterwards a seagull starts to eat the fish whole, followed by a human hand which comes along and pulls the fish out of the seagull. Text towards the end of the stop motion states “Marine plastic pollution harms over 800 animal species”
The last scene sees the fish getting placed into a recyclable bag with text saying, “including us” and “protect our species at protect paradise.com”, after which the video ends come to an end.
In a behind the scenes video Pes comments working with physical objects is great and that there is a sense of satisfaction in dealing with real world issues such as environmental pollution and turning these in a work of art. The main message that is portrayed with in this stop motions highlight those creatures see plastics as food. The fish is made of plastic to help convey the high degree of plastic pollution and the materials ability to continually kill animals as does not decompose.
Pes uses his own hand within the video because the issues are personal to him and this his attempt to encourage participation to address environmental issues.
The man who makes the angle of the north
Sir Anthony Gormley
He is a well-known artist mostly for the sculpture in the northeast and northwest of England.
The ironmen on Crosby beach and the Angle of the north up in Gateshead. however, the work that will be addressed is the UK's biggest art exhibitions by asking people to make artwork at home and show it in their windows or garden. Gormley was inspired by the rainbows that were put in the windows during the first lockdown to show support for the NHS and the key workers that are putting their lives on the line every day to help us fight Covid.
His approaches to have the work put up in people homes has given me the idea of having my work put and around the university libarby on and above the bins and sinks to help reach the target audience in mind and to get the message of my work seen by people.
Contact sheets and test shots with annotation
Test shoot 1
Press the shutter lots of times and move my hand forward each time by doing this allowed me to create the main body of image to work with when am coming up and creating the stop motion.

Second test shoot
I managed to put together a mock up just of a few parts of the stopmotion that am going to try to put together so that a small example of that I have in mind and you as the views can see what am aiming for.

The intentions for this idea was to first go around the setting taking pictures of the different recycling bins and general waste bins around the city. I came across the bins outside of the Murray library which was perfect for what I had in mind. Because it had many different types of recycling bins for specific items but just a mix of all things.
I wanted these bins to be a visual representation of my overall theme of things going to waste.
For my second shoot, I had pictures of bin bags that were full and ended up photoshopping them, so it looked like they were outside the library. The reason why I chose to do it this way as it was impractical to take them to the library. The intention was to Photoshop health bars on top of the bins to indicate how full or empty they were. This was then purposedly reversed to show which bins were being actively used for recycling.

“Some people might say the image below is just a load of 'rubbish' "
for this, I had to erase the background from the original images of the rubbish bags, so then I could edit together the other shoots.
I picked out the idea of having full bin bags that had a general waste that couldn’t be recycled as it was to emphasize the amount of waste that gets thrown away without any second thought.

Fourth idea and test shoots
Final idea is to copy what I did with the coins (as said above) but using different recyclable materials and making it look like they were coming out of the tap. The title for this image would be ‘This is what you could end up drinking’. I got the idea from the tutor when she was discussing microplastics that are unseen in tap water. The aim to emphasise on this by using reusable everyday object, such as bottle caps tin foil, cotton buds, etc.
The main reasons why did this to make stamina of this is to show all the materials that could end up getting washed up and get unnoticed.
From personal experience from my short stay in Thailand, it was recommended to not drink any water that comes from the taps due to what in the water system and it better to make sure that any water you end up drinking is filled through. This is the cause of all the microplastic and not having the same facilities and resources that are presently used in the UK. However, people might not be aware of this and only end up doing so because they are told to. Every day everyone tends to just recycle things but they don’t normally know what really happens and where it really ends up. This is the reason for all the ideas.

3rd idea and test shoots and prints

My idea came from looking at the Piz video, as well as the image logo from Micro 2020. My idea for this is to use as many different materials as possible that can be recycled and cut out fish from them and then to place him around to make it look like they're swimming. Furthermore, I would also want to give the impression of fish getting caught in a net amongst plastics and materials that need to be recycled. This idea came from looking at Mandy Barkers work as mentioned above.
Photogram – darkroom
Cut outs of fishes from many different materials my aim is to have a black and white and colour print
Add images of the prints,
On the other hand I will do a digital version for a comparisons
what worked, what didn’t work and why it was successful:
A range of experiments was conducted to progress the photography project, these are detailed below:
The use of fishing wire, blue tack and coins to imitate coins flowing from the tap. A range of materials was used in combination with this, such as the use of tin foil which was then rubbed with both a pencil and then a cotton bud to obtain the desired effect. An attempt was made to stick the tin foil to the sink and the fishing wire to the tap, both of these methods proved unsuccessful. As an alternative to sticking the tin foil to the sink, it was stuck to a dinner matt and placed in the sink which proved successful.
Cling film was used as an alternative to tin foil, but this proved unsuccessful.
Different camera angles were used, including a bird's eye view on the first few photoshoots. The angle and height from which some of the photographs were taken proved challenging because of the restricted space and the limited equipment that was available.
A range of images was edited in photoshop.
Multiple photograms were produced in the darkroom. Most of the photograms were unsuccessful and did not produce the required silhouette effect desired was the light unable to pass through some of the objects used.
Are there any elements that did work but maybe need adjusting to achieve the overall result you were looking for?
What did you learn?
On creating and editing the images so they were ready to form the stop motion I found that just one of the images on reflection portrayed the point I had intended to make. Consequently, this made me rethink a new approach to the work and chosen theme. By doing the editing of the pictures it made me rethink my approach, specifically from creating a stop motion to producing a body of images, ideally six in a series.
Documentation of final work
if I could display this work I could see it getting used in the eco centra back at home in Southport. as it would have fit in very well with all the work that it was aimed for when. it was set up. however, I think that it could also work well in this notes board which isn't getting used and I think it would fit in really well here because of all the students that end up passing by every day and since it, on a student accommodations this helps with the targets because of lot students tented to be the main forces pint and the main type of people who are willing to support the idea of plastic pollution.
two days before the hand in I finally got a reply from the library giving me the thumbs up on putting my work up and around the library. I was sadly ended that I couldn't go head-on with the plan in mind which has now lead to me a conundrum.
My final outcomes
“Environmental Photographer of the Year 2019 Winners – in Pictures.” The Guardian, The Guardian, 25 Sept. 2019,
www.theguardian.com/environment/gallery/2019/sep/25/environmental-photographer-of-the-year-2019-winners-in-pictures#img-14. Accessed 24 Mar. 2021.
Hellerman, Jason. “How to Shoot Stop Motion at Home.” No Film School, No Film School, 30 Mar. 2020, nofilmschool.com/how-shoot-stop-motion-home. Accessed 24 Mar. 2021.
https://www.facebook.com/johnaldredphoto. “How to Make Things Float in Your Photos with Fishing Line, Hooks and a Little Photoshop - DIY Photography.” DIY Photography, 16 Jan. 2017, www.diyphotography.net/make-things-float-photos-fishing-line-hooks-little-photoshop/. Accessed 24 Mar. 2021.
Kane. Mayor Kane : My Life in Wrestling and Politics. New York, Center Street, 2019, p. chapter 9. audiobook on Audible.
McKinnon, Peter. “How to Make Stuff FLOAT in Your Photos!” YouTube, 16 Jan. 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRvxcON-XZQ&t=231s. Accessed 24 Mar. 2021.
pes. “THE FISH by PES // Corona X Parley.” Www.youtube.com, 19 Apr. 2019, youtu.be/ghhPaD0YPMM. Accessed 19 Mar. 2021.
Shippr. “Digital + Platform = 1 #18 - Shippr - Medium.” Medium, Medium, 7 Aug. 2019, medium.com/@shippr/digital-platform-1-18-bcde79c34f88. Accessed 22 Mar. 2021.
“Daniel Bryan Is Upset with Not Being as Environmentally Friendly | Total Bellas | E!” Www.youtube.com, youtu.be/6gf4pN3Dxm0. Accessed 26 Mar. 2021.
“Home · BoB.” Learningonscreen.ac.uk, learningonscreen.ac.uk/ondemand/index.php/clip/197343?bcast=128504853. Accessed 29 Mar. 2021.
WWE.com Staff. “‘Daniel Bryan Eco-Friendly WWE Championship Replica Title Now Available on WWEShop.com in Limited Quantities!’” WWE, WWE, 26 Apr. 2019, www.wwe.com/article/wweshop-daniel-bryan-eco-wwe-championship. Accessed 29 Mar. 2021.
BARKER, MANDY. “MANDY BARKER.” MANDY BARKER, 2014, www.mandy-barker.com/about. Accessed 15 Apr. 2021.
Gompertz, Will. “Sir Antony Gormley Announces ‘UK’s Biggest Art Exhibition.’” BBC News, BBC News, 28 Jan. 2021, www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-55831841. Accessed 3 June 2021.
A copy of Project proposal