This unit is similar to the unit 1 Professional Practice that was undertaken during my first year. However, being on level 5, this assignment will act as a good recap as well as allowing me to look more in-depth in other areas. It will help me in my chosen career path and how to work into achieving that.
At the end of this unit, I will have a greater understanding of my chosen professional career.
Research the following of my career and how to get there (In-depth knowledge)
My ideal career is to be a Photography Teacher in higher education.
The key roles and personal qualities required for success.
The career role requires me to obtain. A) full BA (Hons) photography degree B) (PGCE) teaching qualification.
Understanding of the current issues in photography education.
Experience in teaching and to be able to adapt to new resources for learning.
A clear understanding of Safeguarding.
To motivate students to learn.
Excellent planning and organisation skills.

Compare my skills and qualities with the skills and qualities of my chosen career.
Looking at the job role of a teacher and the skills and qualities that are needed to undertake the job is something I have spent some time researching recently, looking at how I would be able to achieve and or develop the skills required. Meanwhile for me to get these I'm going to need to build on my planning and organisation skills and build them up from being good all the way to excellent; which comes with time and practice.
I will need to study for a teaching qualification Postgraduate certificate in education and or postgraduate certificate in High Education (PGCE / or PGCHE). Southport College, UCLAN and Edge High university over one or two years.
Firstly, I must complete my Photography HND; this will take one year. ( I have an unconditional offer from Sunderland for a two-year course and a conditional offer one year with a merit at Bolton) this will affect my one year and five-year career plan.
At I feel with my personality I will be fine keeping students motived. I am always open to learning new things which will make it easy for me to pick up and adapt to new learning resources.
For the job role, I need to be engaging and inspirational to students, have a great understanding with safeguarding issues as well as legal issues that will affect students. I also need to be knowledgeable in the photography industry. A teacher qualification, as well as a completed HND, will give me the knowledge and understanding, as well as increase my skills to become a fantastic teacher and a colleague to other staff on the teaching team. The following is audit of my strength and weaknesses to identify any gaps in my skills and knowledge:
Internal: Your Strengths
Work expertise with working with a different type of people
Being on time with work
Followers on Instagram
be responsible
Software skills
To be on a photography course
To be able to talk to people
Express my opinion
Internal: Your Weaknesses
Coming up with fresh ideas
completing my ideas
To be able to keep in touch with people
My Skills and Knowledge set.
Knowing how to talk to other people clearly is a key skill to have for when I have to talk with clients; having to share my ideas and also to talk to other people that I might have to work with on a photoshoot. To be able to talk clearly would help with keeping things in order so misunderstandings don't happen in the workplace.
I have been told that I have a very keen eye for detail, my time management is excellent for when it comes to getting work done and handed in on time, and I am great at working under pressure; I know how to deal with a lot, and I can build up a lot of knowledge on how to use equipment and software.
I have gained a lot of skills on how to work well in my area of choice, photography; since I have been studying photography for many years. I have developed a wide range of knowledge, techniques and skills within photography. I have learned skills, such as knowing how to pitch ideas, techniques skills like EDFAT( Entire, Detail, Frame, Angle and Time) I know how to work with a different type of camera film, photography and digital photography, the different kinds of lens and equipment and when they can be used, the different kinds of lighting styles for many ranges of the photoshoot, for example, outdoors and indoors shoots and most of all I have learned how to meet the client’s expectations.
What are my plans for the years ahead?
1-year plan
Pass my current Photography HND course and do well
Get a place at university to do so being able to get my full degree in photography
Build on my portfolio
Look for a summer job
Build on my experiences
photobook getting publishes and sells coming in
5-year plan
·To complete my 3rd year, a top-up year at another university to convert my HND to a BA Degree in Photography
·Start to find out what specialism I will develop as a photographer.
·Keep on updating my portfolio
Start a masters degree in Photography to further develop my skills and understanding.
Start looking for jobs as a photographer
Get married and start up a family
Do my teaching training
10-year plan
Get my name or even my work out as a Photographer.
I need to secure a teaching post in a university or college
Assignment 2
Business research report
Business models
Executive summary
In this report it will cover and outline the importise of being a Cinematographer. This report will share and give a understanding on how to get jobs and or clients; Intelectual property, financial controls, tax liabilities, legalites and art/ creative professional bodies. To market as cinematographer social media, local advertisement, business networking and a professional website can be used. Intelectual property should be protected by copyright when possible, watermark on photographs can be used.
Add in diteals for DOP
How Marketing (how you get jobs/ clients)
Cinematographer can also be known as a director of photography (DOP) they are mostly freelancer however some D.O.P might end up only working with one director as it might be a key work plus work well together when comes to creating films.
For a Cinematography to get a job and or start working for clients is to start off small by working for yourself and then allow it to grow this will also help to in the portfolio growing. A Cinematographer can start off being a photographer. alongside having your portfolio growing this will help to build a network of contacts.
To get clients this can be done by firstly trying to get your name out of and building relationships that matter and keeping in contact with them to build a genual connection. this can be done by sharing what you can do for each other for example when starting off as a photographer you might need the use of a model in the shoot by this you allowed to help them to build a portfolio which can lead into them getting more jobs modelling and secondly this will help the you to get recommendations. Exchanging Money for services to develop a friendship and relationship with each other.
finally this will only be great if the you are a person who is great at communication skills, knowing what you have in mind when you are starting off building this relationship. however, this is a skill that can be builder upon with more times you try to talk and patch to other what you can offer.
As a Cinematographer you need to be amazing in the way you can tell a story from your this should easiest come across when people view your portfolio and how they react to it. A portfolio should only be your best and key work that you as the artist have created
Advertisement is a the best way to market yourself as business as another great way to get work... - having an outstanding website that is easy to read and simple to follow for all type of uses a website should have your contact details there, up to date portfolio of your work, business card, logo letterhead all of these need to be carely on who you are as a brand and recporecte you also allow you to stand out
Intellectual Property
this a form of protecting yourself and your work by making sure that everything is copyright (keep your work safe and your own). This will stop people trying to take your work and calming it as their own. Such as the name of your products or brand, all the film and photographs that you create, the design and look of your produces, logo and website design that just a small example of these to make sure that you copyright.
In today era is easier for people today copyright their own work
The was once a photographer who just screen shots of people Instagram post and had it printed off then displayed in an art gallery the people who he took this images from wasn’t happy and tried to sue him but lost the case as the original images wasn’t copyrighted so the artist had all the right to screen shots them and display
Another example of this is common when I photographer takes pictures in gallery and has some form of artwork in the background and the photographer would calm it as their own work.
Having the right insurance will help you stay coved and protact you from any illgal alorgations and your equipment for when it gets broken or stolen with out having the right insureance the cost will be deadly.
Financial Controls
Who pays you?
It normal the clinet who hires the cinematographer they maybe the studio or the produces depending on what they say in the contract. Most Cinematographer
How do they pay you? (contracts)
A contract can be a great with a compare or an indviual client
Look up contracts for cinematographer for implorment
income and outcomes
being in the Job role will start out be very costly due to the cost of equipment, setting up a your own business and even travlling and printing of anything work related
it is imporate for the Dop to keep track on the in and out comes payments…
· travel
· printing
· ink
· equipment
· tax
· hiring models
· copyright
· insurance
· hiring other people to work with you
· family and housing
· studio
· website
· publication
Tax Liabilities
This in place to protract you as a self-employer from all form of financial problems such as a during the time we are living with the virus and everywhere doing into lockdown which is making people to work at home also stopping people from travelling anywhere
By having a tex Liabilite in place it will help to cover any financial lost and cover for all that you been after work by the government
This is mostly in place to protech other people
Art/ creative profession Bodies
Assignment 3
MY CV to date
A Covering letter

Business Card and marking ( business logo and website) My branding
Other artists branding
MY current Portfolio
Photobook -
my ideas
University interview
Interview at Staffordshire university
on the 15th of January 2020, I went to attend my first interview at a university in Stroke on trant where I learned a very big important lesson as I didn't end up getting a place as I fall on my portfolio and presenting it because I wasn't organised enough nor was it tidy once they looked at my work it wasn't until then I learn that not all of my best work was there as I should have got it printed off and I should have made sure that I read the emails carefully and found ways of getting my work printed off the right way otherwise I probably would have been offered a place on the course.
Interview at Botlen university
this interview went a lot better than Staffordshire firstly I was offered a place on their 3rd year also long as I got merit overall on my course work. My portfolio was a lot better than it was for Staffordshire as it was more prepared and pressed better
Interview at Sunderland
On the 18th of March, I was planning to go across with my family to the interview but it had to get called off due to the lockdown coming in place. so the university called me to have the interview over the phone. I feel like it went well I sent over my portfolio over them via email so the can view it over the phone with me after the interview I got offered a place on their second year. I think the reason why the interview went well was that I felt comfortable and we talked my work and photographer that I get encouraged by and how they infused my work furthermore we ended up chatting about what I enjoy on the course that I'm doing right now. We discuss what am doing right now on my HND it went well because everything we talked about flowed very nicely.
Online interview for Southampton
on the 23rd of February, I had to send off an online portfolio with other examples of work such as written work also I had to complete a brief that they send that was set around the theme of boards and this had to be sent off alongside the portfolio
things that had to send off was my portfolio which must include 10-15 images that I feel that was best representing my interest, strengths and potential. workbook/sketchbook that includes project development, research and reference. A form of written work that needs to be a recent essay and finally, a project set by Southampton basic on the theme of boards this included me having a to do a research about the theme with approximately 3-6 good quality outcomes also a contact sheet before handing it in a had it to makes sure that the was a menu page and that. it was all sent off just in an in file attachment which needed to be a PDF or a Powerpoint so I end up picking a PDF format to send of the university.
they wanted and what I have done
A setup interview by the tutors
firstly I had to do a research on the job role that was given out and look for what they wanted and who they were then I had to write up a cover letter and make a portfolio ready for the interview
secondly, I had to look at job as a photographer as this would have helped me to get ready for the interview
Below are the questions followed by my answers from the setup interview with my tutors